This Is The Most Public of My Many Humiliations
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Something you probably didn't know about me:I play the piano, and have done so for almost 16 years. I love it, I think it is the best instrument in the world. I used to play everyday, but now I don't think I have played in almost 8 months.
I don't really know why I haven't played. IM going to go and try to play something now.
That was great fun, I just played Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik I think that roughly translates to Music of the night, or music for the night. Something to do with music, and night.
I used to write music, I actually started writing a song in early February,it was going to be a Valentines day gift that never got finished. I suck at making lyrics though, I just don't have the poetic genius to write words that go with music.
IM going to finish that song next week, and I am going to start playing everyday again.
I think that playing the piano is a skill I don't want to lose. My music writing ability has most likely diminished to nothing. Its a skill you constantly have to be working on so as not to get rusty.
When I was a kid, people would make so much fun of me for playing the piano, I was always the loser kid in my class. I would move around so much, sometimes I would goto two schools in one year. I was always the new kid. I was that kid, that never said too much, and always wore black. God I was even really depressed 10 years ago.
Has it really been 10 years that I have been battling with this disease.
I have never gone to the doctor and requested help. I think its a mix between pride, and not wanting to become something I am not.
Moving around a lot made me really good at making friends, but not at keeping them. I knew how to gain a friendship, but none of them lasted long enough to teach me how to keep a friendship.
I think that really fucked with me when finally moved to this town. I didn't think I would be staying long, and tried not to get to close to people. I can still remember my first day of school in this city, I was 11 and starting gr 6.
I felt so strange and outta place in that school. I had just moved from a small farm town on the other side of lake Ontario. When I lived there it was only me, my brother, and my dog. We were the 3 amigo's. My brother and my dog were my best friends. But when we moved here, my brother and I slowly grew apart. Even to this day our relationship isn't even close to what it once was 10 years ago. I feel like I don't even know him, and we are only one year apart.
We are two very different people. He is quiet, and I am loud. He keeps everything to himself, if I sneeze I like to call someone and brag about it.
I am still not good at keeping friends, I cant even be friends with my own brother, and I try, oh how I try to be friendly and brotherly. But it just doesn't work. I am jealous of my much younger bro and sister, they are good friends and play together, much like my brother and I did 10 years ago.
I sometimes wonder what the world is going to be like in 10 years from now, my much younger brother will be my age. I hope he doesn't make the same mistakes I did.
the bus is teasing me again.
Off I go. Up and A-TOM
My Costume for this weekend
If you cant tell I am very scatterbrained today, jumping from one story to the next, if you don't like it, don't read it.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
So yeah, blogger was down or something, and I had something to write about, but now I forgot.
So I will just tell you all how excited I am too goto Montreal this weekend.
For those of you who don't know, you best get to know: Montreal is probably the best city in this great country of Canada. Not only is the drinking age 18 there, they have slot machines in every bar, last call is 3 am, and the strip clubs, I don't even know what to tell you about the strip clubs.
I will be in Montreal for Halloween, I love Halloween in Montreal. There is this huge, rave like party. It is hosted by some Frat. KA or JK or something like that. Its 30$ to get in, but its all you can drink all night. I don't drink but its all good, cause I still will party with all my friends who I haven't seen in a while.
I would move there if I had the balls. It seems like far too intense of a city for me to move to. I would be dead in a matter of weeks.
Moving on.
Yesterday I was all bored and depressed and shit, then my friend Ashley contacted me, and wanted to go into the city.
I went "sure thing dude"
So off we went, I met her at the Go Station, and we took the train into Toronto.
We grabbed the subway up to queen, and wondered around. Looking for belt buckles and webcams. Our mission was unsuccessful, but we did succeed in eating street meat that tempted our nostrils since the second we got into the city.
I showed her my favorite stores and other places I liked.
She then explained to me that she just got 100% on her exam. I told her I would buy her a beer, or something to congratulate her. But we didn't end up at a bar.
We then walked back to union to take the train home, or so we thought. We walked into the basement, I looked around saying "something is wrong. Even at rush hour it isn't this packed"
there were people everywhere, I felt like I was in china or something.
The trains were mega delayed which worked in my favor, cause the express west bound train was arriving basically as I bought my ticket.
We rode the train home and parted ways.
I then went for dinner at the keg, enjoyed my cedar plank salmon, and my perrier.
Went to a friends and watched Dawn Of The Dead.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
First off I want too apologize to anyone I offended with the previous post, and would also like to thank those of you that showed your support through the comments you left.
If you guys only knew the depression that swells in my soul. I wrote that post after a long weekend of partying. I was lacking sleep, and was a little pissed off at the world.
It was all truth, which is the reason why it caused so much shit. When you lie to people and tell them what they want to hear they are happy. But if you expose the truth to people, they get all mad. I try to keep a happy medium on this site, my opinion on certain issues just isn't worth the headache.
Welcome to the most boring site on the WWW.
My stomach is really fucked up today. I had a boat load of stress yesterday while I was working on my final assignment for my course. Then I was stupid enough to go and eat some "hell fire" wings at the local establishment. They did not help my ulcer as I had previously believed.
I then went and played this video game, which was more like a girls gone wild movie, then a video game. The best way to describe what I saw would be to call it : you don't know jack, with boobs.
I am a big trivia junkie so I enjoyed the game for that aspect of it.
Today I have to finish up my final assignment for class tomorrow. I know it is going to be good. I was suppost to take a 5 picture color slide sequence of me doing a chore I either hate, or love. I did it, and I did it well. As always I try to be different from the norm and push my limits. I like to be very creative, and artistic in my work. Which I hope will shine through with this assignment.
Also, in Toronto as of late, people have been messing with parks, It started last year when people were poisoning dogs, things got seriously fucked up in these past few weeks. First razor blades were found under the sand, they were shoved into a piece of wood, so when someone was jumping around in the park and fell on them, they would get fucked up. The most recent occurrence had to do with people super gluing broken glass on a kiddy slide(most parks have 2 slides, "the evil knievel" slide is most likely a crazy red tube slide that does a cork screw, for the brave kids. Then there is "the kiddy slide" usually a yellow lil slide with no slope and isn't very tall, made for a toddlers first sliding experience). 2 teenagers were charged with the last offence. What kind of sadistic fuck would do these things. What ever happened to peeing down the slide for shits and giggles. That is what I did when I was a young bored teenager.
The all time worst thing I ever did was when I was 15. I was a young, misunderstood, pot head. They had just put a new park into my neighborhood. I went to inspect the new plastic park. At first glance it seemed like an amazing place to hang out and smoke joints. Once I got stoned, I noticed the whole park was held together by Allen Key bolts. A stoner brain storm went off in my head. I ran home and checked my garage to see if I still owned my Allen Key wrench, with every size ever made. It was almost like an Allen key Swiss army knife.
I then waited till dark, called a few friends over and explained to them my idea.
We did not set out to hurt anyone. Just to fuck with their minds.
Which we accomplished.
But these kids with their glass, and razor blades have taken the shit too far.
I would slap them if I saw them.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Do I ever do these two things? I think not. I don't drink. I haven't had a sip in about 2 months, and also I don't do drugs. I am constantly tempted to get really drunk, or really high almost 24 hours a day. Especially on weekends. When my friends and I go out to a nice club. We don't bother waiting in line, and usually go directly to VIP. We were out at this new place in Toronto on Saturday(well not that new, its a few months old). It is probably the best club in the city.
We go directly to VIP where the booze is flowing like a fire hydrant on a hot day. Girls in their 'sections' with 40 oz of vodka, that call for us to sit down. They start pouring shots and passing them around the table. I decline my drink and pass it along to the person next to me.
A lot of the time people ask me "why you don't drink?"
I really don't have an answer to that question, and don't think I ever will.
"I don't really know" is my usual response.
That follows with a barrage of questions like "Are you in AA? Are you on bail/parole? ECT ECT."
and I say: "I just choose not to use liquid courage to escape reality. I thought it was cool to get drunk and act like an idiot, and I thought it was cool to wake up the next day and not to remember the night before, and seriously the part I miss the most is the way you feel the next day. How could anyone want to give up that feeling, not just the hangover, but the depression you feel the day after a night of binge drinking. How did I ever give that up?"
Most people get insulted when I give them that sarcastic, zealous speech as they sip away on their vodka tonic, vodka redbull, or what ever the kids are drinking now a days.
Now I admit, I have not been off booze for that long, but it has been long enough for me to forget about those nasty feelings. Its really refreshing too forget what a hangover feels like. Too remember the club, the songs that were played, and the cute girls name that you talked to at the bar.
After the bar we head to someone's house. By this time its around 3 am. This is when the substances come out to play. There are mountains of coke piled high on glass tables and CD cases. E's are being ingested like tylenols on the morning of a hangover. People talk for hours about absolutely nothing, each person arguing their point so very strongly that it almost becomes scary. This cycle goes on for hours, sometimes it goes long after the sun rises.
I don't hate people who drink or do drugs, nor do I feel bad for them, or want to save them. "To each their own" really fits as to how I feel towards drug and alcohol abuse.
The use of drugs in my circle of friends seems to have multiplied by 10X in the past few months. I rarely stay out past 3 am now a days. I just don't have it in me, I am not afraid I will do drugs, I just get tired and get easily annoyed by 'high' people.
I will most likely have a drink again some day, only socially though. I know I will never use drugs again. I used them for a long time, but they used me for a lot longer.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
This is a picture of Alex, I love her.
My friend Ray Chil. Just alerted me with a problem that she is having, she has a huge exam tomorrow, and also a assignment due. She has no time to do the assignment while she is studying, so I offer to do it for her.
I am suppost to write about a school experience that she has once had. So I made up this story for her, keep in mind i am writing from a girls point of view. I think I did a good job of capturing a girls true feelings(god I am such a good friend):
Waking up in the morning was starting to get easier and easier. I didn't struggle with my alarm, or try to burry my head under my pillow to hide from the light. I cant wait to get into the shower; to fully awake myself. I really can't believe I am about to say this: but, "I cant wait to get to school today."
I wont lie, there is something aside from learning that is drawing me to school as of late.
The walk to school seems to be shorter, the sun seems brighter, even my clothes seem to fit better. This is going to sound really strange, but the side walk even seems softer, like I am walking on a cloud. Cloud 9 if you may.
I round the corner, and cut across the church parking lot, into the schools lot. The buzz of the early morning is such a rush. Crowds of people fleeing from their cars in a hurry too get to class. In the hallways, the morning bell sounds, and with it what seems like a stampede of people run past me, so they are not late for class.
Time seemed to stop as he walked by, well it didn't stop but it sure did slow right down. He was wearing that tight pair of jeans, and that beautiful plain white T shirt that showed off his muscles. We made eye contact, just for a second, but it was heaven. This is why I wake up in the mornings. Just for that brief second when I know he is going to walk by me and look in my direction.
I move as fast as possible through the mob of people. Knowing that I am going to be late for the 3rd time this week doesn't bother me. I run up the stairs heading to math, my least favorite subject but I still wear my smile with pride. I am coming down the final stretch only one more corner to go, im not that late today, im sure the teacher wont mind. I come around the last corner, and there he is again at his locker, he seems to be waiting for someone. Could it be me?
Then I see who he is waiting for, she comes out of the washroom with her designer purse in hand and chewing gum in mouth. I wonder what she sees in him, she walks up to him, wraps her arms around him and kisses him with passion that makes me shutter. Why does he have to have a girl friend?
I quickly duck into the girls washroom and lock myself in a stall, I begin to slowly cry, my heart is broken. I don't want to ever come to school again. By the time I stop crying it is already half way through first period.
I walk into class my teacher gives me the pop quiz that was ment to be written at the beginning of class. I sit down saying to my self "tomorrow I am going too get to school early"
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
So my friend Jordan(Made infamous by the audio posts he made from inside his prison cell) got parole. He got out on Monday. He has all these stipulations of his release on a sheet of paper.. Make that a book of paper, and he has to carry it with him everywhere. So if cops ask to see it he has to present it.
He is living in a halfway house right now, and will probably live there for about 6 months before they will let him live on his own.
He was not even allowed to see me but he still did, I guess I am kinda outing him putting this on my website, but I am sure he will be fine.
He has to give my name to his P.O so that the P.O(parole officer) can run it through the computer and make sure I am not in a gang or something like that. I m sure if they run my name through the computer they will be like "fuck, this guy should have been arrested a long time ago" then BOOM the computer will blow up.
He got this crazy tattoo done inside, they made a tattoo gun out of: a guitar string. And a motor from a old CD player. The whole thing was done free hand.
He will be on parole for 2 years. Which is a long time to go without booze, or pot. His girlfriend is glad to have him home, man she really stood by him these past few years. He is a great guy, just made a few mistakes, which he has more then paid for. He still backs me with whatever I do, its going to be just like old times.
On a lighter note, I have my final test today in my course. I also have to hand in an assignment that I am totally slacking on. But it will be done in time for class tonight. Then hopefully I can make it into Toronto at a decent hour to party my face off in celebration.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I've taken smoking in my house to a new level. Usually I hack butts in the basement washroom. But tonight, I was too lazy to walk down stairs into the dungeon so I had one sitting on my couch. Its 3 am, who's gonna know? I guess who ever reads this.
Tonight I Megatouched-myself for 40 mins waiting for my friend at the bar. I watched the Bo Sox finally win a game(thank god). My friend finally arrived, I had some things of hers so we were meeting up to exchange school bags, like some sort of sketchy drug deal. We laughed, we cried, we stared at chicken wings, pretending to be hungry. We then played megatouch, and got kicked outta the bar cause we were far too good at it. I think the bartender was scared cause we were going to beat his high score or something, or maybe it was cause we weren't drinking and we were the only people in the bar. I think it was the latter of the two. I will let you decide which one is the latter.
peas and carrots.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
I don't regularly voice my opinion on the political demise of the American country(GW Bush). But I received an email from some conservative jerk off asking me to prove documents false. Are they getting desperate or something? I am: 1) NOT a fan of good ol' GW. 2) I would never vote for him. 3)I am Canadian, why would I waste my time trying to prove these documents fake?this picture sums it up:
The Email I received:
RatherGate proved that bloggers are the best fact checkers. That is
why we are writing to a few bloggers asking for help.
Yes Bush Can has collected several documents that are clearly suspect.
But we need your help to prove they are fake:
Let's spring to action before these documents needlessly tarnish the
reputation of our Commander and Chief. You know the drill: analyze the
handwriting, search for factual errors, and post your discoveries.
And keep us posted by sending email to
Thanks in advance for your help.
Saturday, October 16, 2004
The doors opened an hour ago. There still is no action the stage. I'm
having serious problems with my ADHD today. I cant seem to sit still. I hate waiting, and need PJ Harvey on stage now.
Ok now some old guy is on stage jamming out on a acoustic guitar. What
a guy. The song is decent. But I didn't come to hear this.
This place is freezin. My hands feel like ice blocks on the end of
popsicle sticks that anorexic girls eat to suppress their appetite.
The guys name on stage is Morris. I think he is making up his songs as
he goes along. Actually I am now sure he makes them up as he goes
Its now 8 pm. The sound guys are doing their thing. I am positioned
at the front of the stage semi-patiently waiting the arrival of the one
pj Harvey.
Click Picture For Video
finally I see her. She is beautiful much better looking in person then
any picture I have ever seen.
She has 2 drummers Gloria estefan style.
Fucking awesome. She busted a string on her guitar but didn't miss a
She flows seamlessly through songs. Making this experience feel like
one really great long song.
Then suddenly the band leaves stage. I thought the show was over. I
almost died.
Big fish little fish bring back my pj Harvey.
Of course she came back on and blasted out
some more classic but fucking great songs that this
mistress of music has written.
Is this desire, what a great song for an encore. Its almost 10 pm I m
tired and my back is killin me. Time to head back to Oakchill and see
what trouble awaits me there.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
The views expressed in this Aud-Post are not that of GSUSKING.COM or any of its members.JUST AROUND THE CORNER
Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before I know it, a year is gone.
And I never see my old friends face,
For life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows I like him just as well,
As in the days when I rang his bell.
And he rang mine but we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
Tomorrow" I say! "I will call on Jim
Just to show that I'm thinking of him."
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
And distance between us grows and grows.
Around the corner, yet miles away,
Here's a telegram sir," "Jim died today."
And that's what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.
-Henson Towne
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
this is me when i was stupid, but happy.
I have not done anything interesting this week what-so-ever.
I have not taken any pictures, gone to any clubs or concerts.
I feel stupid and used some days.
I have a great book idea, but I am a shitty writer. I wish I could write it myself.
But it is going to be one of these type of books. "The Life of Angelo as told by:........."
I really miss the person I used to be, but you cant live in the past. You have to look towards the future, as to who I am becoming, not to who I once was.
My facial hair is itching me like a bitch, I have not washed my hair in like 4 days, it think it is starting to clean itself.
I still haven't scored tickets for PJ Harvey, but I will go and see that concert.
I am so not mentally prepared for tonight's class. I want to go out somewhere fun this evening.
I want an old friend to call me outta the blue and be all excited to see me and to hang out with me.
It seems as of late. No one really cares.
I care for all my friends. I am the type of person who would step over his own mother, to help a friend in need.
But when I am in need, I don't have anyone. I guess no one realizes that I am struggling like no other this week.
I think I have been known as a tough guy for so long. People think nothing can phase me.
I have seen a lot in my time: people shot, people stabbed. Had many a gun in my mouth, and knife to my throat. None of this ever bothered me. That was the life I led.
I seem to get depressed over the smallest things, I get depressed to the point of just wanting to hide, where no one will know where I am.
Somewhere warm preferably.
Today is one of those days where I want to smoke cigarette after cigarette, lighting each new smoke, with the glowing ember of the last.
I want to wear a disguise tonite, and walk around to see what it is like living as not me, even if it is just for 5 minutes.
I cant even walk down the street, without being recognized and stopped to talk too.
Sometimes it gets annoying living in a small town where EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE knows you, or knows of you and what you are all about.
My neighbor's hate me.
I would hate me too.
I think I do hate me. Is that possible?
god i want a drink.
I wanna live like common people.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Its a fucking beautiful day today. Which motivates me, totally and completely.
I really wanted to go and see 'the killers' last night. But I was not motivated enough to drag my ass downtown to go and scalp tickets.
Today is a different story. I have to get PJ Harvey tickets. This is necessity. She is in town this Friday and I have already promised someone I would take her. Come hell or high water.
This time, I wont get fucked up tickets from ticketmaster, and if I do, I am going to call Eddie Vedder and be like:
"hey, E.V. I got a problem, get ur shit together, and bitch slap ticketmaster for me"
he would be like: "cool. I got you covered"
I am thinking about removing my nipple ring, and maybe getting something else done. Maybe my lip or something.
Could PJ Harvey be any hotter?
I have a thing for girls who make music, or sing. They drive me wild, I don't know what it is. I just love smart artistic women. If I wasn't taking a date to the concert, I would throw myself at PJ Harvey. I would be her love slave, and let her do a whole bunch of dirty, nasty things to your humble narrator.
Im outta here, must find tickets.
if you want to find me, follow the trail of drool.
Picture and caption of 'youth marijuanna use' in rastafarian culture
Monday, October 11, 2004
I am not allowed to smoke in my house. But sometimes when I am lazy/cold I smoke in my basement. A few weeks ago I didn't leave my house for 3 days. I smoked in the basement, and (p)laid on my couch.
A year ago today, I was seriously messed up, I don't have a medical term for what exactly was wrong with me, but if I had to choose what it was called it would be: TooMuchOakLamePeople-FarTooMuchCoke-itis.
I moved away from my family and my friends. I left all things I loved behind, Cable TV, internet, and phone. I had none of these things. I lived on the crappy side of town. I though moving away I could escape the tight grasp the drugs had on me. I was wrong. Depression set in quite fast while I was there. Everything in the city was so grey and dead. Like a ghost town, I lived behind the Salvation Army. I would have to chase crackheads outta my back yard on a regular basis. My bathtub, was also my kitchen sink. Things got interesting when I had to take a shower. I could kill 2 birds with one stone, shower and do the dishes at the same time.
Sometimes I want too cover myself in paper mache and just sit to dry on a park bench.
I would sprinkle bread crumbs on the still wet Mache, so that birds would land on me and eat. I could be a human sculpture, for everyone to enjoy. except people i hate. they cant come.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
So I went to a rave on Friday night with my girl Kat. She is fucking awesome. We had a great night, and she got totally trashed.
Last night was amazing though. Went to Mod Club. The girl pictured above made my night. She was the craziest wild women on the planet. She can send messages to me telepathically. She looks like Hillary duff, and all these people at the bar wanted pictures with her. I don't think she appreciated that. All my friends really know how to party.
Oh also her mom was in this retro band. MARTHA AND THE MUFFINS
the rave on Friday was some part of a huge tour. But they really sucked. Worst jungle party I have been too in a while.
Tonite I go out with Kat again. She is the bomb.
Video From Friday night
Friday, October 08, 2004
I've been told "I am like the good guy in movies. The guy that everyone
is pulling for in the end."
Today I got my Ali g DVD. And am really happy. My friend Sean calls me
and says he succeeded on renewing his license and was on his way. We are
heading into Guelph to see Billy talent. Today is going to be great
day. I can feel it. We get to Guelph un load some of our stuff. Sean
goes to return is girlfriend's car. I realize I left my CD in it, I
hoped he would remember to grab it. Cause she was leaving Guelph for
the weekend. About an hour later Sean returns with my CD. I then ask
him where the tickets are?
"fuck" he yells "I left them in her car"
so we start freaking out. Knowing she was in her car, on the highway,
with no cell phone, knowing she won't arrive at a specific location for
at least an hour. We wait an hour then call her. We explain to her
the whole ticket problem and she agrees to drive half way to meet Sean.
The doors had already opened as Sean and Batman leave to retrieve the
I was left at the apartment to watch Ali g. I was going to try to catch
some zzzZZZZZzzzzz so I would be nice and refreshed for the show.
About an hour later they are back home with the tickets.
"Things could not get any worse then that!" We all high five and head
for the door.
They lived about a 15 min walk from 'the denim'
Concert hall. We walk along all excited and relieved that had our
We had hit rock bottom and bounced back. Nothing was going to stop us
from going to this concert... Or so we thought.
We arrive at denim a small club/old style theater. The walls are lined
with children and adults anxiously waiting for Talent to come on stage. I walk in, hand my id, get my bracelet. I hand the young girl my ticket, and she says "sorry, these tickets are for Mondays show, Last Mondays show"
how is this possible, when we had bought the tickets that afternoon?
The House of Blues guy at the front is being as helpful as possible but still wont let us in. He said they are calling ticket master and will try to work something out for us We are all standing around like tools.
I can hear them tuning their guitars, and doing their sound check. This
is complete torture.
We sit there for at least an hour, before the main Man-ager comes down and says he has nothing but bad news for us.
He claims that he was "on the phone with ticket master" and "they had no record of us buying the tickets"
I knew this was a crock of shit, they were giving us the run around.
After hearing this I gave my camera to the medic and asked her to take
some pictures for me of the band and crowd.
So after all the hassles and excitement that progressed during the day,
we did not even get to see Billy talent. Very bitterly we walk out of
the establishment. I run around to the back door to check the facility
for weaknesses... There were none. We then tried to sneak in the front.
Another unsuccessful mission.
We walk around downtown. Wander into Vango's Ear, to watch some
breakdancers do their thing. It was quite entertaining. I m still so
bitter that I didn't see Billy talent.
We goto the palace. The line up is around the building. Unbelievable. We go in I eat some 1 dollar pizza. Which was fucking amazing even though it only cost me a buck.
The palace is filled with people who smell like BO. I ran into Jax she
gave me and my 2 buddies a ride to the strip club.
So I am sitting in this club. Its called the manor. Its a quaint lil
strip club filled with statues and pillars. All the fancy shit. Why is
it that I have been to more strip clubs in the past two weeks, then I
have in the past 4 years?
Im finally home now, and I am going to fucking party hard tonite, to make up for last nights mishap.
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