This Is The Most Public of My Many Humiliations
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
"I wanna bring back new wave"So the neon party fucking rocked this weekend.
I was totally looped.
I was talking to all these random people all night.
they stole sips of my drinks. I didn't seem to mind.
going out and bendering isn't the answer to my problems though.
I just have to get into the grove.
I need to take my mind of things.
its hard.
harder then it seems.
what else can I talk about
I went to central station on Sunday night. That place is friggin awesome, if you are ever in Montreal on a Sunday. You must go.
Im thinking about going out tonight as well.
not really sure though.
I now feel like I don't have to be in bed early to goto work to test video games.
I can feel my nightlife comming back to me.
Angelo. damn you, you son of a bitch....damn you.
This weekend is canada day. im staying here in quebec. they dont really celebrate canada day here.
They have st jean baptiste the weekend before.
St jean day should just be called "welcome to summer in Montreal bitches"
or "sweat stained t-shirts and tan lines"
cause that's basically what happens.
I have come to realize that I must parle francais if I really want to live here, meet people and party.
so I am thinking about going up north to some random French family's house. Where they will do nothing but teach me French and feed me some diner.
This is all on the great governments tab.
Love the gov for shit like this.
Quebec seems to get all the breaks from the fed guv. They are hooked up here.
I wish I was born here damn it!
though they have some sort of funny tax here
they have GST.
and they have PST.
but they also have another 2% tax.
it fucks with me
its called a "leisure" tax. Or so I have been told.
Last but def not least.
my friend Greg, is leaving Montreal.
im totally gonna miss the dude, and him lending me money at the bar when im all incoherent and annoying/obnoxious/belligerently wasted.
He was originally called the serial drunk dialer on this blog.
Now, he will be known as BWV
and I shall soon be referred to as #3.
Montreal wont be the same without him.. But he will be rich from working in the summer. There is always a place on my couch for ya buddy.
Friday, June 23, 2006
So its grand prix/st jean baptiste here in montreal, i remember last year when i went to this crazy ass loft party in some sketchy warehouse down on the shore.. It was the fucking hottest party i have ever been too. Not hot as in paris hilton. but hot as in sweaty humid mess.They served beer all night and had an indoor hot tub. This place was the tits. This girl I knew totally did too much, and ended up losing her shirt, and talking to some sort of plastic plant that was used to decorate the dance floor.
thats all i got....
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
My trip starts with a Caesar, not the best Caesar I've ever had, but it still hits the spot.
Montreal in 5 hours how many ceasers can I drink before then?
First class tickets are cheap right now, so I figure ill make up the difference in the free alcohol they give away.
Ceasers are the drink of choice today due to my actions last night.
Last night in semi point form.
- broken heart
- MMVA after party
- booze
- photos
- booze
- photos
- booze
- ect ect ect
I'm noticing a common trend.
Maybe why I've been so fucked up and emotional lately is because of stress?
Alcohol(in proper doses) relieves stress
My problem is once I have more then 3, I become an uncontrollable alcohol monster, drinking everything in sight, even stuff that's outta sight.
I laugh at myself as I look back on it now.
This is why I try not to drink, I don't like to laugh at myself.
I think of myself as a proud person.
Not cool, not that smart, but I do have self pride, which isn't always a good thing.
Don't get it mixed up with an ego like most do.
Its not an ego,
I just project myself with a very high confidence, to shadow the confidence that im truly lacking
I have to get my hair cut tomorrow, I have some big meeting this week where I must look respectable, yet hip, yet what's that supposed to mean?
1 Caesar down
If you are reading this... And i know you are... Just remember ill miss you.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Wow, I was wasted on Thursday night.I drank a few bottles of vino in celebration of a few things, far to private to mention here.
But as the story goes, when ever I get wasted, I cause shit.
Im like a 4 year old kid with ADD, I break pretty much ne thing I touch. And drink ne thing that is in sight.
From what I remember from the evening I squirted mustard all over a restaurant where they continued to serve me smoked meat until I felt like I was gonna exploded.
They were not impressed with the mustard
Angelo + 4 bottles of red = disgusting mess
I came home covered in mustard, and what appeared to be ketchup, though I am not sure.
I then passed out cold.
I came home for the weekend.
suburbia is lame
the end
Sunday, June 04, 2006
"The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person"Arab man update---
I saw the sick Persian man I called the ambulance for. I asked him "how are you feeling today?"
he looked at me shocked, like he had never met me before. He was stoned as hell last time we met though, so I don't blame him for not remembering me.
"im the guy who called the ambulance for you last week!? Remember ?"
"ah yes" he replied "I am doing much better, as soon as I got to the hospital, I felt 100% and I left" he chuckled.
"well that was a good waste of money wasn't it?" I remarked. "next time just chill out and watch a lava lamp or something."
turns out the dude lives in my building. Gonna be a lot of uncomfortable situations in the future.
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